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How To Change Text Color In Windows 10

How do I change the color of the fonts in Windows 10? The text color in Windows is black by default and there is no GUI option available to change the text color for your current theme. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to change text color in Windows 10 using a registry tweak.This method doesn’t change the text color of all windows.

Before getting started, make sure you have.How to Change Text Color in Windows 10 without Software. Press the Windows key and R to bring up the Run box, type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor. Navigate to the following key:HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelColorsOn the right pane, locate WindowText and double-click it to modify.

Just enter the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) value for your desired color and click OK.For example, white is 255 255 255, black is 0 0 0. You can use to find the RGB value of any color. After setting new color, changes will take effect on the next login.If you also need to change the title bar text color, just use the same method to change the RGB values for the following registry settings:HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelColorsActiveTitleHKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelColorsTitleTextHKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelColorsInactiveTitleHKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelColorsInactiveTitleTextThat’s it!

RECOMMENDED:Segoe UI is the default font in Windows 10. This default font is used almost everywhere from desktop to file explorer to Settings in Windows 10.Many PC users who have used Windows XP for a long time before switching to Windows 10 feel that the Windows XP’s default Tahoma font was superior, and want to set Tahoma or any other font as the default font in Windows 10.Unlike Windows 7 and earlier versions, changing the default font is not an easy job in Windows 10, thanks to the absence of Window Color and Appearance. There is no option under Control Panel or Settings app to change the default font. Surprisingly, no developer has come up with a software to change the default font so far.

A user at Super User has posted a workaround to change the default font in Windows 10 to a font of your choice. Complete the given below directions to change the default font in Windows 10. You just need to download a Registry file and then merge it with Registry.

Set your favorite font as the default font in Windows 10WARNING: Since this method requires editing the Registry, we recommend you before proceeding further. We also recommend you create a system image backup before making major changes to the Registry.Step 1: Download file by clicking. Please note that the credit for the workaround and registry file goes to Tom at Super User.Step 2: Right-click on the downloaded file, click Extract all, select a location, and then click Extract button to get a file named ChangeFont.reg.Step 3: With default settings, this ChangeFont registry file changes the default Segoe UI font to Tahoma.

How To Change Icon Text Color In Windows 10

Change desktop icon font color windows 7

Please read the instructions in Step 4, Step 5 and Step 6 if you want to change the default font to a font other than Tahoma.And if you want to set Tahoma as the default font in Windows 10, double-click on ChangeFont.reg file, click Yes when you see the confirmation dialog, and then click OK.Once done, sign out of your account and then sign in again to see the new font in action. To sign out, click on the user tile on the Start menu and then click Sign out.Step 4: To change the default font to a font other than Tahoma, right-click on the ChangeFont.reg file, click Open with, and then click Notepad to open the file with Notepad program.Step 5: Replace the word (mentioned at the end) Tahoma with a font name that you would like to set as the default font in Windows 10.

Make Text Black

Click Ctrl + S or click File menu and then click Save option to save the changes. For instance, if you want to set Verdana as the default font, replace Tahoma with Verdana. Don’t forget to press Ctrl + S to save.Step 6: Finally, double-click on the edited ChangeFont.reg file, click Yes button when you see the confirmation dialog, and then click OK button. Sign out and sign in to see the new font.If you’re having issues after changing the default font, use the previously created manual restore point to. MS should develop a self extracting, batch type of file where it would take care of everything (download, storing fonts, including proper code in registry, etc). This could be their NEXT upgrade because. Lets face it.

You can read WAY better in a dark/bold font than in a regular not only for mature folks+ but even for young-ones (so much time on screens), way less eye strain.Previous versions of Windows used to have it (I did LOVE IT) now. It is SOOOOO frustrating and/or risky to set up/edit for non tech people.Alexi says.

Just a suggestion; you don’t have to do a System Restore if you backup the registry trees of the locations in the provided reg file here to change the values. In the Registry Editor (regedit) you find the locations:HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFontSubstitutesAndHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFontsright click the ‘Font’ and ‘FontSubstitutes’ folders and ‘Export’ each to a.reg file that you would then use to restore the default values. Of course, one should always be careful when editing the registry, but in this case it’s backing up not changing.EvaM says.