Fallout 4 Photorealistic Enb
I managed to get all ENB-supporting games I have (GTA V, Vampire: Bloodlines, Black Mesa, Skyrim, few others) to work with ENB and ReShade at the same time by using the following enblocal.ini values:PROXYEnableProxyLibrary=trueInitProxyFunctions=falseProxyLibrary=ReShade64.dllFallout 4, however, does not allow ReShade from launching using the lines above. Has anyone managed to get both - Fallout 4 ENB 0.280 to work with the latest ReShade?the enb creator hates the idea of reshade being generic and thinks its stupid from the way ive read his posts, so i doubt he will ever do anything other then by accident that enables reshade to work without issue if its not working atm. Reshade should be working there are users on the nexus who have stated so and dont get hung up on a early build of enb he is going to do serious changes im sure over the next few months if he even keeps working on it which with how quick he quit working on gta wouldnt suprise me if he did quit.
Fallout 4 Photorealistic Enb Cheats
WordsAll the ignorance in this post.Anyway, you can't load ReShade through ENB. Instead, take the ReShade lines out of your enblocal.ini and rename ReShade's DLL to dxgi.dll. You should then have d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler46e.dll from ENB, and dxgi.dll from ReShade. This should work perfectly.As I understand, ReShade's hooking process can't be messed with by anything else, which is what causes the errors. But as DX11 games load multiple DLLs, there's at least room for an extra insertion point. Note that ENB doesn't change the graphics at the moment, just patches some things, so this might not work predictably in the future.