by admin

Black Ops 2 Chicom

I have a few suggestions and I'll link images of their set ups from elite.First is my Rush class based around the Skorpion Evo, my personal favorite gun in the game. I use this for my ultra try hard games where I am constantly moving. One of the more interesting things I do with the Skorpion is mainly hip fire. ADS is good but with the super fast fire rate and low distance, hip fire is king for this which is why I indluded a Grip and Laser Sight.Rush Class:Second, the KSG. I love this gun. So much payoff in the way it works when you get in a good groove with it.

Black Ops 2 Chicom

Most people will tell you go for distance, but that isn't as consistent for me. I suggest Laser sight because with that the hip fire is spot on. Also quick draw for those moments where you need a quicker accuracy at distance.KSGFinally, an over kill class with the Skorpion Evo and the Type-25. Since its overkill, so many less options. I like grip for the hip fire on the Skorpion and Red Dot/Reflex for the Type-25. The Type-25 is my favorite assault rifle. Plays like an SMG/AR combo with out sucking like the Peacekeeper does.Overkill.

You have some good setups, but can i make a couple of suggestions? Grip has almost no effect on your gun. I would switch it out for fast/ext.

For your ksg, i would switch out scavenger for toughness or cold blooded. If your accurate with it, you wont need scavenger, as 42 slugs should be plenty.

Black Ops 2 Pc

As for the type, i recommend putting it in the scorpion's place, removing overkill, and building a perk heavy setup. Give your t25 lightweight and ghost/flak, toughness and scav, and dexterity, with the attachments of fast mag and quickdraw. You seem to like an smg-ish rush style, and this builds on speed and accuracy.

Black Ops 2 Wiki

You dont have to change anything, but i thought i could some suggestions. Thanks man I am always open to feed back, didnt even consider the Skorpion until a friend suggested it and it became my favorite gun.I like grip because I burst fire a lot.

From a stats stand point it doesnt seem to do anything, but it honestly feels better and like it returns to center faster lol. Idk, it is a feel thing.The KSG, i agree cold blooded is better in almost all cases, the primary reason I don't is tho is that this a rushing class. So things like the target finder or MS aren't as big as a hindrance to me as they would be if I battled from a distance. I use scavenger for the c4, can be super clutch or give you a quick breather in those instances where you get trapped in a high traffic area.For the type, I already have a class like this set up lol! Pretty much nailed it on the head.I will probably consider trading the grip in and seeing what I can sub for it. May make it better. Thanks man!.

This is one of the best setups to be a slayer and win most of your gunfights.Any SMG (MSMC is best) w/ Quick Draw, and Laser Sight OR Any AR with Quickdraw, Reflex Sight, and StockPerk 1: Lightweight - Really, really strong in this game, speed is king in this game.Perk 2: Toughness - If you aren't using this already, you will notice a significant increase in your ability to kill things.Perk 3: Dexterity - Saves you when you get greedy and sprint around corners. Necessary if you want to have an active role in the game.Wildcards: Primary Gunfighter (If using AR)Notice this won't use all 10 points, this is merely a skeleton that should be tailored to your play style and gametype. Perk 1 Greed and add Flak Jacket for dom or demo, Perk 3 greed and add Extreme Conditioning for CTF, etc.).


The Zombie Mode in can be considered a game by itself, featuring some peculiar play modes like TranZit mode which make the experience pretty unique compared to the standard single player mode or the many multiplayer modes in the game.