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Prediksi Soal Un Sd 2019 Dan Pembahasannya

  1. Prediksi Soal Un Sd 2015
  2. Prediksi Soal Un Sd 2019 Dan Pembahasannya 1
  3. Prediksi Soal Un Sd 2019 Dan Pembahasannya 6

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!1. We live on earth. The satellite of the earth is.a. The center of the solar system is.a. In the rainy season. Usually occurs.a.

The following are the things in the earth, except.a. The Nile is the longest. In the world.a. Australia is the name of. In the world.a. It is so hot and dry in the.a.

A: 'Does the moon have its own light?' B: 'No, it.' We can see sparkling. In the nighta. Indonesia is located between two continets and two.a. The sun is the.

Of the solar system.a. I want to eata. Jamil works all day long in the rice field.

Andy's bike is lost. It is raining all day long. Fina stays at home alone. The snake makes me feel.a. Anita is pretty.

Prediksi Soal Un Sd 2015

All the boys are. Aliando is so handsome. Many girls are.a.

I get birthday presents. My close friend often lies me. Kelud is the name of a.a.

A person who is travelling for a pleasure is a.a. Maharani is the name of a. In East Javaa. Rock climbing, hiking, and camping are activities on the.a. People can do fishing in the.a. Surfboard is the equipment for.a.

Prigi is the name of a.a. They are names of the river in Java, except.a.

Bengawan Soloc. While making sand castle, Arman and Anto can see waves They want to spend their holiday in the.a. Bunaken is the name of a sea park in.a. North Sulawesid. South Sulawesi32.

A: May I borrow your pencil?' You're welcome!33. Don't throw the rubbish into the river! It may cause.a. Close the door please!' B: “ Sure.”a.

The room is too dark. Switch on the lamp, please!b. Switch off the lamp, please!c.

Keep the lamp, please!d. Turn on the lamp, please!36. The baby is sleeping.

Mother says.a. Keep silent!b. Keep noisy!c. Don't be lazy!d. The floor is dirty.a. The rainbow is so beautiful.a. I am very thirsty.a.

Nadia works at the hospital. She helps the doctor. We can call Saturn as.a. The biggest planetb.

The ring planetc. The red planetd. The smallest planet42. This room is clean. Andi has not come yet. His mother feels.a.

Your story is boring. I am shopping in the supermarket. I pay the goods in the.a. Father has a new car. It is my book. The book is.a. Sangkuriang wanted to marry his mother.

It is legend of.a. Tangkuban Perahuc. Roro Jonggrangd. Danau Toba49.

Ujung Kulon wildlife reservation is located in.a. Central Javac. Rio brings a big bag, because he doesn't have a. Jika ingin mendownload soal, berikut ini linknya ↓Kunci Jawaban1.

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North Sulawesi32. Switch on the lamp, please!36. Keep silent!37.

The ring planet42. Tangkuban Perahu49. SmallWarning: Harap tidak mengcopy paste dan mempublish ulang Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD/MI Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 yang ada di blog Jadilah blogger kreatif dengan tidak melakukan copy paste dan mempublish ulang! Terima kasihDemikianlah Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD/MI Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 yang disusun oleh admin Semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua.

Halo sahabat bospedia dimana saja berada. Bagaimana kabarnya? Semoga selalu sehat ya adik adik.

Prediksi Soal Un Sd 2019 Dan Pembahasannya 1

UTS sudah selesaikan? Soal utsnya bagaimana? Bisa dong jawab.

Nah pada kesempatan kali ini admin ingin berbagi Soal Try Out USBN mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Khusus untuk SD. Admin juga pernah membagikan soal Try Out Bahasa Indonesia. Soal ini admin ambil dari tahun sebelumnya dan semua kita tahu bahwa soal soal yang dikeluarkan BSNP akan hampir sama dengan soal yang telah lalu. Untuk itu sahabat bospedia boleh mempelajari soal ini untuk menambah wawasan dalam melatih diri dalam mengerjakan soal soal yang resmi oleh BSNP. Admin juga telah menyediakan artikel tentang. Semangattt.40+ Soal Try Out USBN Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD Terbaru 2018/2019. Bagi sahabat bospedia dimana saja berada yang ingin sekali mempelajari Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini, adik adik bisa menguduh materi ini di bospedia.

Berikut ini adalah rincian materi pelajaran tematik kelas 6. SELAMAT MENGUNDUH YAA.Soal Try Out USBN Bahasa Inggris SDBerikut Lengkap -PETUNJUK UMUM1. Tulis namamu di sudut kanan atas2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti.3.

Kerjakan dulu soal yang kamu anggap mudah.4. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan pada pengawas.A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b atau c didepan jawaban yang benar!Direction:Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows by crossing the letter A, B, C or D in front of the right answer.I.This is class six of SD Sukadamai. I am the student of this class. Let see what are there inside the classroom. There are many kind of things here.

Prediksi soal un sd 2019 dan pembahasannya en

Mrs.Henni is my teacher. She is sitting on her chair. She is writing on her desk. In front of the classroom there is a blackboard. Our teacher usually write on it. She writes on the blackboard using chalk.

Sometimes she uses eraser to erase her writing. If she wants to make lines she uses ruler.

At the corner of the classroom stands a cupboard. It is used to put books and others important things. My class has twenty tables with fourty chairs. At usual days all the chairs are full, but today there are two chars are empty, because two students are absent.1. To write on the blackboard, Mrs.Henni uses.A. Mrs.Henni puts the books and important things.A.

On the tableB. In the cupboardC. At the cornerD. In front of the class3. Tables in the classroom.A.

The cupboard is located.A. In front of the classB. Beside the blackboardC. At the back of the classD. At the corner of the classroom5. Students in the class six of SD Sukadamai.A. There are two chairs empty, because.A.

One student is absentB. Two students are absentC. Fourty students are absentD.

Prediksi Soal Un Sd 2019 Dan Pembahasannya 6

Four students are absent7. To make line on the book or blackboard, we use.A.

All the students in the class six of SD Sukadamai are.A. Thirty eightD. Students present today.A. Thirty fourB. Thirty eightC.

Twenty two10. Students use.

To write on their book.A. Chalk and rulerB. Ruler or eraserC. Pen or pencilD. Eraser or chalkII.Today is Monday.

We have to go to school again after having a holiday on Sunday. We have six school-days a week. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

On school-day I usually wake up at five o'clock in the mornning. Then, I take a bath, praying, having breakfast and go to school. School begans at seven o'clock, but I arrive there at half past six.

The school goes on until one o'clock at noon. Today all students are busy studying, because they are going to take a final test at the end of Semester. In a year we have two semesters. Download game dead island 2 pc.

First semester are: July, August, September, October, November, December. The second are: January, February, March, April, May, June.11. The first day in a week is.A. Two day after Sunday is.A.

If today is Friday, yesterday was.A. On school-day I have breakfast.A. At seven o'clockB. At half past sixC. Before half past sixD. We study at school for.A. Seven hours16.

I usually arrive at school at.A. At one o'clock, people usually have.A. Indonesian proclaimed their independence on.A. Kartini was born on.A. The end of the year is.A. JanuaryIII.Tedi, Dani, and Tina are students of SD Sukadamai.

Every morning they go to school together. They go to school on foot. They like walking because walking make them healthy, and they can see a lot along their way. On the way, they often meet Mr.Jona. He will go to work. He works at his ricefield.

He is a farmer. They also meet Miss.Vina and Mr.Hardi. They work at city hospital. Miss.Vina is a nurse, and Mr.Hardi is a doctor. They can also see many people do their own job such as mechanic at garage, carpenter at work shop, and driver with their car. At the school they meet Mr.Anjas.

Mr.Anjas is a teacher.21. Mr.Jona works at his rice-field. Mr.Hardi cures sick people in the hospital. Miss.Vina works in the hospital but she is not a doctor. May be she is a.A. Mr.Karim makes chairs, tables, cupboards, and many other wooden things. Mr.Darman is a mechanic.

He works at.A. Anjas is a.A. Yanti entertaint people by singing. Sussi works at an office. Her main job is type the letters and many kinds of documents.She is a.A. Mr.Dodi wears green uniform, black boot, red baret, and a ripple on his shoulder.

Mr.Rendy paints a lot of beautiful scenery on the canvas. Sometimes he paints animals,flowers, or even people. An artistIV.Unlike the sub-tropical countries, that have four seasons a year, Indonesia has only two seasons a year. They are dry season and wet season or rainy season.

Astronomically, dry season takes between March up to August, and wet season between September up to February.As an agricultural country, Indonesia people earn their life by farming. They plant rice as their stuple diet, and many kinds of vegetables at their garden. They can do this when there are a lot of water. It is on rainy season. But sometimes, rainy season often creates serious problem for people.

Too much water may cause flood.31. Indonesia has two seasons in a year. Summer and autumB. Wet season and rainy seasonC.

Dry season and wet seasonD. Rainy and summer32. Rainy season takes place between.A. September to FebruaryB. March to AugustC.

June to OctoberD. March to July33. On dry season people can not plant rice, because.A. Enough waterB. Too much waterC. There is no enough waterD. Often flood34.

It is sunny day. The weather is.A.

It is a cloudy day. Sooner will be.A.

It is a windy day. Happily children play.A. Hide and seekC. It is rainy day. People like to.A. Stay at homeC. Working in the gardenD.

Fishing in the pool38. Flood usually takes place when.A. Too much rainB. The sun shines brightlyC. There is no rainD.

The wind blow strongly39. Umbrella is used when.A. Fog makes the day.A. WetKUNCI JAWABAN1.