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How To Get Stalker Teeth

  1. Stalker Teeth Guide

+70 Energy Stalker Teeth are a sometimes dropped by when they pick an object, usually or.A good method to obtain Stalker Teeth is to drop several Metal Salvage near the creature, as they sometimes leave behind a single tooth after picking the Salvage up. With two or three piles close to each other the Stalker will swim back and forth between them almost indefinitely. Other methods for gathering teeth include placing near a Stalker, letting a Stalker attack a or a, crashing into Stalker with a Seamoth or punching them with a Prawn Suit. One can also use a Grav Trap to hold the Stalkers near the metal scrap and collect the teeth as they fall. Beware that the crashing or punching will usually kill the Stalker in two or three hits.A nearby Stalker dropping a tooth is indicated by a loud cracking sound, as if breaking a bone, and a low tone.

Checking the immediate surroundings as the audible range is quite short (50 meter radius).Stalker teeth glow faintly in the dark, reminiscent of the early build before they received their current model. If one wishes to roam Stalker-infested waters without directly engaging with them, doing so at night makes it easier to spot teeth on the seabed.It is not possible to obtain Stalker Teeth by killing Stalkers.

Your intution tells you that you have stalker right now. They are firmly fixiated on you. He believes that he is hopelessly in love with you. The ratio of women stalker to men is 8:2.


Generally all stalkers are intelligent and self -centered. They believe that nothing is wrong in what they do.

In this computer generation there are cyber- stalker. Such kind of stalkers are not want to steal your monet byt they only want to give you pain and tension. Synergy open source. Protect yourself from potential attack. If you are unable to protect yourself from potential attack maintain anonymity.


keep your address secret. Keep information about police station and night shop. Keep your cell phone with you at every moment.

Take a psychological support. Do not give your phone number to any person. Be confident.

Maintain list of messages, phone calls,. Change email address and phone number. Seek for help. Be aware from potential danger situation. Do not walk alone on street at night.

Take a trainning of some basic self defense moves. It will help to boost your confidence. Keep your home door locked when you are alone in home. If you doubt that someone is keeping watch on you, move out to other place for little time of period. Keep control of yourself on situation.

keep pet and give him proper trainning. Do not give response to their message. Be concious about everything at all time.There are three types of stalker simple obsessional stalkers, delusional stalkers and vengeful stalkers. Simple obsessional stalker denies that relationship is over. They still feel that it is as it is.Many of them have criminal record.It is very common type.A second type of stalker is delusional stalker.

These kind of people are immature. They don't have any skill to maintain relationship or friendship.It is very difficult to get rid from such kind of people. Example of this kind of people is x-spouse.Third type of stalker is vengeful stalkers. Such type of people are very much angry in nature.

Stalker Teeth Guide


X-spouses and disgruntled employees are examples of this kind of stalker. Violance is commonly seen in the nature of these people.