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Grenade Mods Borderlands 2

  1. Best Grenade Mods Borderlands 2
  2. Best Grenade Mods Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2 grenade mod codes

Shields, Class Mods & Grenade Mods ShieldsShields constitute a vital buffer between your character and bullets. Some shields are thin (but bounce back quickly), some are huge (but recharge slowly), and others fall somewhere in between. The three optimal bodies (AWE, XC & OS) are represented here in conjunction with each brand’s special twist.

The best shield for you is the one that fits your playstyle.Class Mods (COMS)Class Mods augment your character’s abilities in certain specific areas so you can adapt to different situations (or make the most of certain items). For example: one fight might call for extreme survivability, whereas another might call for extreme damage output. With Class Mods you can change up your whole approach in a jiffy, without changing your skill points around. Some Class Mods are known as Loyalty Mods because they augment only the items of a certain brand.

Best Grenade Mods Borderlands 2

Lots of different tried and true Class Mod setups can be found on the Gearbox Forum, where they are known as ‘builds’. Note that the skill with the +4 is often a matter of preference and a COM having a certain +4 doesn’t necessarily make it better than the same COM with a different +4.Grenade ModsWithout grenade mods, your grenades just blow up explosively. With a grenade mod, they can move differently, or blow up in various patterns, and inflict any kind of elemental damage.

Grenade mods borderlands 2

Best Grenade Mods Borderlands 2

Still new to this all – but I agree with everyone else that this is a great setup you have here. I did come across either a problem with some of the MODS or I’m doing it wrong. Weapons and Shields all are great, clicked on specific item and it brought me to the next page where I could Export the code. The problem I’m having is when I try to do the same with any of the “CLASS MODS” it just opens another page with the JPG of the picture I clicked on. So when I pick a class mod, then click on the picture of the mod that I picked it usually brings me to the Gear Calculator page where I can then make changes if I want or just export – but instead it opens another page with just the JPEG of the picture.It’s possible that it’s done differently with these and I’m just unaware – if so please let me know what It is that I’m doing wrong or need to do – Thank you!-ReRuNx88x.