Glow Worm Betacom 30 Secondary Heat Exchanger
Glow Worm Betacome 30C hot water problemsPosted on 14 Apr 2015I got called today to a Glow Worm Betacome 30C with hot water problems. Water would only get lukewarm and fluctuate between lukewarm and cold. This is a typical symptom of a blocked plate to plate heat exchanger. I also noticed a Magna Clean magnetic filter incorrectly fitted to boiler flow. It should have been fitted on boiler return pipework.
Picture below show the boiler with Magna Clean fitted on the flow of the boiler. In this configuration filter is only catching what has already gone through the boiler.I inspected the filter to find out just how dirty this system was. There is no doubt that with this amount of sludge (with the filter on the flow) the plate heat exchanger must be blocked.The next step was to drain the boiler and remove the heat exchanger and either clean or replace it. If you ask manufacturers they suggest that it should always be replaced.I choose to clean them and have done so for years without any problems. It is worth noting that cleaning a heat exchanger is only a temporary measure and does not fix the root problem of sludged heating system.
If you clean or replace heat exchangers on dirty systems sooner or later they will block again. The only proper solution is to power flush the system, protect it with inhibitors and clean or replace plate to plate heat exchanger. I must also say that I regularly clean heat exchangers on systems protected by magnetic filters (all brands).
Glow Worm Boiler 0.0 Bar
Those filters are great but on very dirty systems they simply will not cope with catching all sludge.Removing plate to plate heat exchanger on Glow Worm Betacome is a pain for 2 reasons:– those boilers are not fitted with draining points, so when isolated on flow and return the only way to drain them is by activating the pressure relief valve. If you look into Glow Worm Betacome 30C manual this is exactly what it suggests. This is the last thing you want to do on a dirty system. Once activated those valves with drip water and will have to be replaced in 90% of the cases. It is best to find an alternative method of draining the boiler. Luckily in this case I could use isolating valves on Magna Clean for the flow and boiler’s return isolating valve to drain it.
If it was not for a Magna Clean being fitted on this system a full drain down would be my preferred option.– heat exchanger is located at the back of the boiler and at a first glance it seems impossible to remove it without having to remove other major components. I managed to remove it by disconnecting hot water outlet pipe from the boiler and moving it slightly out of the way.Pictures below show the heat exchanger removed from the boiler. Note blocked right hand side port.Second picture shows cleaned heat exchanger.System will get power flushed and Magna Clean filter moved to the boiler return pipework next week.Update on It took a while for tenants to move out of this property and I just got a chance to go back to flush the system and move Magna Clean filter to boiler return pipework. Hopefully this will end hot water problems with this Glow Worm Betacome combination boiler. See picture with correctly installed Magna Clean below.
Description Glowworm Betacom 24C Heat Exchanger (Plate)This Glow-worm Secondary Heat Exchanger is located within the hydraulics and diverter valve section of the boiler. It allows heat that is generated by the main heat exchanger to be transferred across the plates of this heat exchanger, heat is then transferred across the plates which in turn heat up the cold water coming through the boiler and provides hot water direct to the hot taps.Most Engineers Change The Lip Seals when changing this Glow-worm Plate Heat Exchanger, Please Read Why Below.This Plate Heat Exchangers is connected to the hydraulics of the boiler via 4 lip seals that sit between the metal plate heat exchanger and the composite hydraulic block. If these seals are old and brittle they will fail to work especially when the old plate heat exchanger is removed. It is good practice to change all 4 seals lubricate them with silicone grease to ensure there are no leaks when the new domestic hot water heat exchanger is fitted.If you check below we may have displayed the Lip Seals you require and also a small pot of Silicone Grease for you to purchase if you feel you require them. This is an OEM PartThe term OEM stands for 'Original Equipment Manufacturer ' this part is an original part and was bought from the Original manufacturer of the part.What does that really mean r a boiler manufacturer such as Wocester Bosch, Baxi, Glowworm etc.Below is an example:Gas Valves on most British Gas Boilers are made by Honeywell, Sit, White Rogers etc. This means that these manufacturers are the OEM for the Boiler Manufacturers, so as long as the original part is purchased (Honeywell, Sit, White Rogers) from the OEM it can be sold as an original OEM product.OEM parts are also referred to as After Market Parts.
The rest of the servers going to Crystals are much smaller and a sizable chunk of players are expected to transfer back over to Aether/Primal. Balmung is the biggest but it's being shipped off to a new data center,Crystal, in a few months. Few months old but should remain somewhat accurate. There are tons of new players/alts leveling in those worlds so that part will feel more 'alive'.